Why LC Anfa and not LC Casablanca ?

The Latinized name of the city is a Portuguese word combination meaning “White house” (branca “white”, casa “house”). The modern Spanish version of the name came later. The city is now nicknamed Casa by many locals.

Legally speaking, Anfa is a prefecture (a district) with half a million city inhabitants, and thus is part of Grand Casablanca region. Anfa is generally considered as the “original city” or “old city” of Casablanca.

AIESEC Local Committee ANFA, the only AIESEC office in Casablanca, has been active since 2005; we organized several projects and events. W e are more than 160 students studying in various institutions of higher education, and striving to serve their society by the practical application of theoretical knowledge imparted to them during their university studies.

The office of AIESEC ANFA is at Ecole Supérieure Internationale de Gestion, Casablanca, Maroc (ESIG)  

AIESEC ANFA has experienced tremendous growth over the last two years thanks to the dedication and unparalleled ongoing commitment of all its members. Today, more mature than ever, having quality members and quality programs, we proudly position ourselves as 1st choice partner.