

Trains run between Tangier, Meknes, fez, Oujda, Rabat, Casablanca and Marrakesh

For Train schedules and fares click here.


(a) Petit Taxi : (only 4 people are allowed including the driver) used to travel within the city, These are various colors depending on the city. Blue in Rabat, Red in Casablanca, Beige in Marrakesh and so on, it can be split between people. So if you see a petit taxi with one or two people in it and it is going in your direction, you can flag it down and ask for a lift. By law, petit taxis are required to use their meter. If they don’t use the meter, If the meter doesn’t work, then you negotiate your price in advance. At night the meter runs at a time and a half. On taxis with a newer electronic meter, your final rate at night will be shown.

(b) Grand Taxi : The Grande Taxis are typically white/tan and they run between cities, to the airports, within cities on fixed routes and are available for private hire. Grande taxis cram in 7 people total including the driver, so that can make for a tight squeeze. If you take a Grande taxi on a fixed city route, or a fixed in between city route, you typically pay for a seat a certain fixed price. Grand taxis (usually Mercedes saloons) are shared taxis but you can negotiate a price if you want the journey to yourself.


Only available in Rabat and Casablanca